Ayurvedic Respiratory Medicine

With the increasing pollution and smoke from vehicles and machines, there is also an increase in Respiratory diseases. And adds a whole lot of strain on the lungs. With the wide popularity of Ayurveda, people are preferring it over other medicines and the same goes for respiratory problems. So, we came up with a range of Respiratory Care Ayurvedic Medicines for you!

The basic purpose of Ayurvedic medicines is to treat the problems, without causing any side effects or further harming the body. And to achieve that, it uses Ayurvedic herbs and medicinal plants.

There are a range of Ayurvedic herbs that are used to treat respiratory disorders. And that Ayurvedic herbs are Pippali, Triphala, Liquorice, Vasaka, Amla, Holy Basil, Giloy, etc. Also, some of these herbs have a healing aroma, that helps relieves nasal congestion.

Honey is one of the most common ingredients used in respiratory care medicines and helps relieve dry cough.

Some of the most common respiratory problems are cough and cold, which happens at every seasonal change. We know how discomforting it can be. So, we provide you a wide range of cough syrups and cold medicines, to get you effective and fast relief.

Our range of Ayurvedic medicines for respiratory care is from known brands like Himalaya, Dabur, Charak, Vasu, Patanjali, Sri Sri Ayurveda, Baidyanath, etc.

Although Ayurvedic medicines do not have any side effects, it is best to consult a doctor before trying any new medicine.

Explore the wide range of Respiratory Care Ayurvedic Medicines on our website. And get them at exciting deals and discounts!


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