Tynor A 11 Chest Binder

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PRODUCT NAME: Tynor A 11 Chest Binder

PACK SIZE: One piece available in various sizes Small | Medium | Large | X Large | XX Large | XXX large.

FEATURES: Chest Binder is applied to the thoracic region to compress and bind the rib cage and provide splinting to the sternum while allowing sufficient flexibility for comfortable breathing.
Strong elastic band gives good grip, helps in equidistribution of pressure and reduces post operative pain and discomfiture.
Bi-tongued hook loop tape ensures controlled compression and easy application.
Aesthetically designed in pleasing shades of grey.

We Have Complete Range of Tynor Products

WARRANTY: 3 months


Weight 0.7 kg
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 12 cm

Tynor Orthotics Pvt. Ltd.



Tynor Products

You all have been heard or taught about correct body posture but never gave a thought to it. Long hours of bad posture will lead to acute neck and back pain, which will get worse over time. To provide you with complete ortho care, Tynor products are your perfect option. Due to long work hours, many of you were having serious neck, back and lower back pain. To get rid of all those problems, TabletShablet provides you with a perfect remedy to ease all your pains. A brand that is solely dedicated to treating orthopaedic problems. Tynor, a solution to get rid of all your body aches and health problems, by providing you access to quality ortho products. The company was established in the mid-'90s when Indian customers were looking for world-class orthopaedics products. In addition, the company also provides products at very reasonable prices. Tynor aims to provide high quality and affordable products to people all over the country. A simple back and neck pain can lead to serious health issues like poor blood circulation, stress, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, if not taken care timely. In order to avoid these health issues, try to look for products that can ease your pain without further causing any harm.

Tynor Products: For a Pain-free Experience...

We understand how pain can cause serious discomfort and affect your day to day life. To help get rid of all your orthopaedic problems, TabletShablet offers a wide variety of Tynor products ranging from knee support, crutches to walking sticks. In case of an ankle sprain, Tynor ankle binder helps to partially immobilise the ankle to reduce pain. Also to relieve pain and inflammation, generally associated with old age, arthritis or injury, we have Tynor knee cap and Tynor knee support in 4 different sizes. When used as a post-delivery or post-operative aid, Tynor abdominal belt helps bind surgical incisions and improves healing. In the case of mild backache, Tynor lumbar support belt serves as ideal back support. There will be no benefit in enduring these kinds of pain. As they will only bring discomfort to you.


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