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Deal with Coronavirus from A Nutritionist Point of View
Diet Plan On September 22, 2020 By megha jaina 0 Comments
Deal with Coronavirus from A Nutritionist Point of View
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Deal with Coronavirus from A Nutritionist Point of View – TabletShablet
Nutritional recommendations for CoVID-19- in the time of these unique circumstances there’s not one age group that is unaffected from its dire consequences be it at the physical, emotional, social or the professional front. So, it is important to maintain Food and nutrition in times of COVID-19.
When facing stress, the body’s automatic stress response system is triggered, this sets the stage for decreased immunity and increased vulnerability to illness, ranging from common cold to heart attack and cancer.
In this blog, we are going to discuss the Nutritional recommendations for CoVID-19 from a Nutritionist. And how to stay healthy during these times, both mentally and physically.
Physical symptoms:
Sedentary lifestyle
Fatigue / tiredness
Loss of energy
Digestive issues
Changes in appetite – binging or starving
Orthopaedic problem etc.
Psychological symptoms:
Loss of motivation
Change in Sleeping pattern etc.
Social effect:
Survival threat – losing job, drowning in debts etc.
Uncertainty – when things will change? How will things turn out?
Not being able to maintain social relationships etc.
In order to deal with the effects people have resorted to Unhealthy coping style-
Increase intake of alcohol or caffeinated beverages
Binging junk food
This has ill effects on the body in the form of health hazards such as-
increase in weight or loss of weight
consumption of alcohol provokes mood swings, interacts with many medications
binging on fast food or fried food, high in saturated fats are worst for health.
Nutritional recommendations for CoVID-19
Prolonged stress impacts our health causing digestion issues and decreased immunity. Thus, making a healthy diet is a mandate to protect our immune system.
Sources of vitamin C like citrus fruits, peppers help body to maintain resistance to infections under stress.
Milk, eggs, whole grains, nuts high in zinc also help to keep our immune system healthy. Seasonal salads are known to have a calming effect.
Carbohydrates are our friends, don’t be afraid of eating them in dinner they help increase the brain chemical, which is responsible for feeling calm called serotonin.
Omega -3 deficiency can also increase the risk of depression as omega 3 are components of nerve cell membrane. Omega – 3 can be found in oil rich fish, nuts, seeds and plant oils.
A protein rich meal provides tyrosine and can increase levels of noradrenaline that stimulates the brain. Protein rich food include sprouts, chicken, cottage cheese, milk, curd, eggs etc.
Herbs for Health:
Basil is a natural tranquilizer and is said to calm the nervous system.
Rosemary acts as a stimulant to both the circulatory and nervous system and may help relief nervous headaches.
Healthy eating tips during the coronavirus
Stress cannot be dealt with on an empty stomach.
Eating in a haste is linked to both digestive issues as well as stress, eating slowly thus, is the way to eat.
Follow a healthy nutritional diet and refrain from dieting during stressful times.
Decrease and limit consumption of alcohol and caffeinated beverages as it has a direct impact on one’s mood and sleep. Alcohol is also said to be a depressant.
Avoid food that provide discomfort to the body system.
Treat yourself with healthier alternate of food that make you feel happy like dark chocolate, homemade jaggery peanut laddoos, air fry potato fritters, fox nut chat etc.
So, follow the above Food and nutrition tips during self-quarantine, to stay healthy.
Eight ways to relieve stress-
Stick to a healthy balanced diet with regular small meals at intervals.
Practice mindfulness
Exercise regularly as it aids the increase of endorphins which lifts the mood
Listen to music
Practice relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, deep breathing techniques etc.
Make a to-do list to stay motivated throughout the day.
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